
Otago Section of the New Zealand Alpine Club

Section Event

Two Thumb range Ski touring based at Rex Simpson hut

Friday, July 24 2020 — Sunday, July 26 2020

The Basics
Event type: Skiing
Start date: Friday, July 24 2020
End Date: Sunday, July 26 2020
Registration cut-off Thursday, July 23 2020 12:00 AM
Trip organizers
Matteo Scoz [Otago]
Cost Rex S. hut is $45 for members, $55 for non members per night. Additional night in Tekapo and shared gas with your driver. Allow for a minium of $130+ food for the weekend. Hut fee must be paied before the trip please.
Participant Information
Who's invited Members and guests
Attendee screening Attendees are pre-screened
Maximum number of participants 5
Total number registered 5
Who's registered You must be logged in to view participant list
from Alpine recreation website
map of the area


Ski touring trip on the Two Thumb range. Trip is open to skitourers and splitboarders but not to snow shores sorry.
The plan is to leave Dunedin (or where you come from) on Friday after work and drive to Tekapo for overnight stay (place to be organized yet).
On Saturday morning will walk to Rex Simpson hut, drop off the gear and continue touring.
Overnight at the hut and back for more touring on Sunday before heading back home.

If weather/snow/avalanche don't allow will look at running the trip somewhere else with more favorable conditions.

Getting There

Car pooling to Tekapo and then along Lake Tekapo to start of the track to mt Gerald station at about 800m. The access is suitable to 2WD cars, snow on the road permitting.
Walk from the road end to the hut involves about about 500m vertical which will require some walking - consider approach shoes/boots if your ski boots are not comfortable. The hut is at 1300m and has all the amenities: fire place, gas cookers, pots and 6 bunks (there is space only for registered people, no last minute friends tagging along please)

What to Expect

The Two Thumb Range terrains is mostly gentle with some opportunities for steeper runs.

You will need to have an intermediate level of fitness (able to climb 1000m+ vertical ) and off piste skiing abilities.
Basic knowledge of the use of transceiver, probe and shovel is required. 

All decisions will be make as a group but any safety critical such as group/individual fitness/preparedness, weather and snow condition - the trip leader reserves to have the final say and the group will  be asked to respect it.

From Alpine recreation website info on touring options and other information:
Mount Gerald: Ideal warm-up or short tour after hiking/skinning up to the hut. Skin up to the saddle behind the hut, which leads into Camp Stream. Traverse out onto Snake Ridge and enjoy the ridge-top views, before dropping off ridge down to Mt Gerald Plateau. Good steep run into Mt Gerald Stream on south-facing slope. Traverse south back around to hut. 3 hours.
Beuzenberg PeakAccess Beuzenberg Peak (2070m) via Snake Ridge. Good terrain for skiers new to touring, with excellent runs through the bowls below Stag Saddle and a variety of descent options ranging in steepness on both the west and eastern sides of Snake Ridge. Great views of East Face of Mount Cook, Mt Tasman and other Main Divide peaks as you cruise along the ridge top. 5-6 hours return.
Pyramid Peak In either direction this tour gives yet another perspective of the grand views of the Main Divide and out over the Mackenzie Basin with its turquoise Lakes Tekapo and Pukaki. Camp Stream Gorge provides scenic skiing beside interesting ice formations in the frozen stream, while topping Pyramid Peak (1666m) expands our horizons in all directions. Multiple descent options, including the south ridge down to an old musterers' hut. 5 hours return.

Possible Hazards


Minimum requirements:
Ski touring/split boarding set up and know how to use it
transceiver, probe and shovel
sleeping bag and pillow case
head torch and anything you need for a night away

Ski crampons
Bag pack that can carry skis and rest of the equipment
We won't need an axe but up to the individual to carry on what feels comfortable with.

Mobile reception is available on most of the range but there few poor and dead spots. I will bring one  PLB, would be good to have at least another one.

We will share dinner on Saturday night but you will have to look after your own brekkies, lunches and snacks.
Friday night will grab a bite on the road in Oamaru or along the way.


Click the button below to be taken to the sign-up form. If attendees are not screened, then you will be automatically added to the participant list.

For screened events, the trip leader may contact you for further information about your experience and skills.

The start date for this event has passed.